The Reason People Becoming bloggers

At this time I would not give tips, tricks or something. But this time I will give information on the reasons people become bloggers. However, before that you have to megetahui what the blogger. Blogger has a variety of terms such as:

Someone who has a blog or write in your blog or website has.
This blogger is sebuatan for the person who wrote in a blog.

These bloggers there are several kinds, namely:

  • Blogger as a hobby
  • Blogger for pleasure
  • Blogger for free time
  • Blogger because it takes money, etc.

Well, in this article, I will discuss is the reason people becoming bloggers. Yes, as the name suggests, are the reasons that people become bloggers. Blogger seems to have become a job for many people. However, do you know any reason they become a blogger? Consider the following reasons that I got from some bloggers famous or not famous:

Economic factors
True, a lot of bloggers who know that a blog can bring money and they meenjadikannya job. Not a few people who became a blogger because of this factor. Usually, bloggers like this have a target that is getting a lot of money to be used to meet the economy.

Yes, the second is for a hobby. In contrast to the first factor, this blogger did it gladly and did not expect to get the money. They just run their hobby with pleasure. Usually, bloggers like this is very consistent and diligent.

Well, it looks like that's all that I can say at this time, maybe I will update this article when there is a new reason of the bloggers I know, and you can also add it in the comments if you have reason to be a blogger. So much from me and thank you.

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