The dangers if you sleep in the morning

Sleep is an activity that we can not miss because of sleep can make us refreshed . Sleep when the body regenerates cells . However , you should know that sleep can also be bad for health , such as sleeping too long , sleep in the morning and late afternoon sleep will make adverse events .

Well , this time I will explain the effects of bad for the body if you sleep in the morning or late in the evening , the following adverse impacts while sleeping in the morning or afternoon .

Make a limp body
For those of you who often sleep in the morning would often cause your body limp , so it makes you want to sleep all day . This is because the limp body your metabolism is still working in the evenings so it affects the body's energy levels .

Oversleep in the morning can make your head dizzy or even a headache , because when we sleep there named serebrospina fluid flowing to the brain , if you sleep too long you will feel dizzy because many serebrospina fluid flowing to the brain .

Blood cancer
Bed in the morning can make white blood level in the body increases , if this is not stopped , then you are very risky to your health , especially this blood cancer .

Danger of Death
This is due to the danger of death if you often sleep in the morning will be a lot of diseases that can come to you , such as diabetes , heart disease , anemia , and imbalances in brain function as well as other dangerous diseases .

Well , it looks like that's all that I can say in the article "The Dangers of sleep in the morning" hopefully this article can make you not sleep in the morning and hopefully this article can help you . so much from me and thank you .

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