How to use adobe patch (Universal patcher)

Previously I apologize for taking so long did not make the article caused a disturbance on my network. After I finished completing my network, I've been able to make the articles back.

Well, here I will give you an article entitled "How to use adobe patch (Universal patcher)". Surely you know what the name patches and adobe is not it? , Yeah, these patches are the tools (software) to create a piece of software into a full version. While adobe is one of the largest software companies and famous are often used in the world.

Well, because here I can not linger, let us immediately begin using these patches. Listen and follow the steps presented below.

If you do not have these patches, you can get it at the link below.

Link Download: KOPAC Downloading - Adobe Universal Patcher

How to use Pacth
  • Open Patch
  • On the Patch change to Adobe (Example : Adobe After Effect)
  • Click Patch and if there is written like this: "can not find the file. Search the file?" then click  yes , and search where your directory Adobe (Example : Adobe After Effect)
  • Click Support File and search file which name amtlib or search file of type amtlib.dll and click open
  • Done !!!
Or you can watch this video (Video will becoming soon)

That's how to use these patches, hopefully you can use it wisely. And remember !!! , Buy adobe software if you like it, do not overuse the name or patches or keygen crack because it can harm your computer. Once again I say wise in using these patches.

Thank you so much .

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